Besqab Aros Bostad = True
Together, we get a broader residential offer and become a stronger partner. Now you can find all information about us and our homes in the same place, under the Besqab brand.
The sales rate for the residentials in Ordonannsen V has been high since sales start, and the fact that the development is sold out a year before handover to customers is another proof of the strong current residential market in Stockholm. Ordonnansen V is Aros Bostad’s fourth development in the area.
The Company's class A and B preference shares are listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market. Certified Adviser is Erik Penser Bank. Financial information at
For more information, please contact:
Magnus Andersson, CEO, e-mail:, phone: +46 8 400 230 50
Ken Wendelin, CFO/Deputy CEO, e-mail:, phone: +46 73 518 02 70
Anna Åkerlund, Head of Communications & IR, e-mail:, phone: +46 70 778 28 97
Certified Adviser, e-mail:, phone: +46 8 463 83 00